PROEPICATE® (Epicatechin) is primary known for its ability to enhance muscle growth and strength, but also combat muscle loss, catabolize fat and provide high levels of anti-oxidants, making it the go-to product for a wide range of health benefits.
Studies on PROEPICATE® have found that increasing epicatechin levels can enhance the ability of plasma to scavenge free radicals and inhibit lipid peroxidation and destruction.In addition, chocolate rich in this flavonoid also promotes endothelialfunction. A study on the inhibition of myostatin by PROEPICATE® found that it can also increase muscle strength. In addition, epicatechin is an ideal health supplement for athletes because of its role in anabolism and the promotion of muscle strength.
Other studies have also found that PROEPICATE® promotes heart health.For example, Indian scientists have found that people who drink a lot of cocoa drinks have a lower risk of stroke and heart failure. This maybe related to the fact that PROEPICATE® can relax muscles by regulating nitric oxide, leading to vasodilation.